Diptrace pcb layout pin names
Diptrace pcb layout pin names

Sorry but have ding them for this one that's a bad bit of programming with No thought of Human Factors! I VOTE that if they move this in the future that both pin name / number visibility be handled under Pin Manager becasue it has all the pins there and a nice spread sheet Why not have both pin name and number visibility controlled under one menu item like the Pin Manager which has pin name but Not Pin number.LOL. Or use the component menu but don't use both and especially don't use both one one way and one another It seems this all could be done the same way either right click on the pin to show or hide either or both pins and it would probably.

diptrace pcb layout pin names

Then to Hide or Show the pin number I have to go to the menu->Component->Pin Numbers-> When I right click on the pin I go to pin properties and I can hide or show just the pin name. They have two different ways of hiding pin names and pin numbers kind of dumb if you ask me. Thanks for the info but Wow, that is really confusing I don't know why someone would design it that way. Techno Tronix wrote:To hide pin name and number, right-click on the component and go to pin numbers to select whether to show or not.

Diptrace pcb layout pin names